When a yacht’s paint life is down to its last 10 % captains and owners usually start asking for paint estimates. Today more and more captains and mates are calling Freedom Yacht Services the real ceramic pro certified team and asking about the massive advantage ceramic coating has over repainting. Recently Freedom Yachts corrected failing paint on a 240 Delta at Rybovich Shipyard in Palm Beach County. Using Nanocane’s 4 step paint compounding and polish system the old Awlgrip paint was brought back to new shine and coated with 3 layers of Ceramic. 18 microns of added depth was given to the vessel saving the owner $650,000 in what would have been a new paint job. The job totaled over 750 hours and was the largest Industry ceramic job ever completed. If your considering repainting or re-coating please give us a call for a survey.