Polish and Detailing Products

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Running a professional detailing company has given me the opportunity to witness first hand the evolution of marine cleaning products. I remember 14 years ago waxing a 50 ft Hatteras by hand with 3m cleaner wax after it had just came out on the shelf, what a unique product at the time however wouldn’t be allowed on most yachts now. I remember not having a makita or proper wool pad just sheer elbow grease and what seemed liked miles of hull ahead.

Thankfully enough products and gel-coat and paint finishes have been refined allowing for a higher polished shine. With the developments in nano science, mineral deposits in compounds used to strip away decaying paint or gelcoat have gotten much smaller and finer the higher quality compounds often emulsify under heat and pressure instead of pushing deep embedded sand particles and dirt into your vessels lovely finish, creating big swirl marks. When these high quality polishes are used with high quality wool buffing pads with wool textures softening as you move to the finishing steps the polishing perfection is achieved.

Before having your boat waxed, compounded or polished ask the detailing company exactly what products will be used and make sure they are using them. A common trick by unprofessionally detailing services is to use very cheap product that cut into the cometics surfaces and don’t finish them out, often applying a cheap wax bought in bulk. When a gel-coat or paint surface is cut to remove hazing or oxidization it is imperative that it is followed up by a micro finishing step that will close up the pores and a strong wax to protect from airborne contaminants.

Freedom Yacht Management is a leader in cosmetic polishing and re-finishing using the best marine products available to achieve lasting shine and protection.

For a free Qoute call Freedom Today 954-732-8916

Don’t Tread on Me! Cleaning Services For Carpets Done Right

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Busy charter seasons, constant guest and crew traffic aboard yachts can really wear down carpet presentation and show condition not to mention add thousands of microorganisms including dust mites and bacteria. Its critical to keep your carpets clean not only to promote better health, but also to deliver a clean look and smell. Conventional vacuuming will only remove lent and dust, professional steam cleaning is a routine maintenance must, recommended every 6 months.
Treating premium shag and lay carpet is a delicate task, one that takes detail and attention. Freedom Yacht Management applies the following 3-step process to bring out the best in for your vessel’s show condition
Freedom 3-step carpet treatment
Step #1 – Carpet pre-treatment. This is a critical step in cleaning your carpets. Here we spray all carpets with solution before the cleaning process. This will allow any embedded dirt, stains or spots to come out when we initiating the cleaning process.
Step #2 – Carpet Cleaning. Here is where the process delivers a new carpet like finish, successfully and efficiently removing the dirt, dust and grease from your carpets. We utilize the process of steam cleaning to remove the dirt and oils deep down at the base of the carpet fibers. This process will not harm your carpet and in fact, carpet manufactures recommend steam cleaning as the method for cleaning their products.
Step #3 – Neutralizing your carpet and removing chemical residue. This is the final step in our process making will your carpet feel soft and smelling fresh for your next important charter or showing.

Untangle the Hassles of Yacht Ownership

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Congratulations on your new vessel purchase! You deserve it. You’ve worked hard and now it’s time to play. It’s our service at Freedom Yacht Management to let you do just that. We’ll take care of the rest._DSC3367-Edit
Freedom Yacht Management is a proud industry leader in

  • Yacht Cleaning and Care
  • Vessel Cosmetic Restoration
  • Records Management and Cost Controls
  • Vessel registration and safteycompliance code
  • Customer Service “Above and Beyond Approach”
  • Lisenced captains and experienced crew members on staff
  • Call Josh @ 954-732-8916 or email [email protected]
    Tags: yacht, cleaning, care, maintenance, untangle

    Outsourcing in Our New Yachteconomy

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    The gods of our industries regulatory bodies are not making things any easier with the increasingly strict guidelines for running a vessel. Whether MCA or USCG, heaps of regulative paper work builds on a captain’s desk waiting for processing, a critical charter starts tomorrow and the mate is missing.
    In our new yachteconomy captains and owners see certain value in outsourcing a large portion of the administrative management to land-based companies and focusing on what they do best, run and maintain the vessel to the highest caliber while exceeding guest and owner expectations.
    The land based companies they’re partnering with staff qualified licensed professionals, engineers and accountants who can assist on a day to day basis to alleviate the hassle. The results are a yachting program that is safe, efficient and maximizes the vessel worth every day the flag rises with the sun.
    Choosing a management company with connections to facilitate shore-based issues is critical as they can usually get the very best pricing and accommodations. A misconception about yacht management is that companies charge a fortune to provide a range of services, which may not be the need of every yacht. In actuality owners can choose just the areas where expertise is needed.
    Finding a trusted Yacht Management company before the purchase of a vessel is solid assurance that your interest is being protected through the buy and dealing table. Yacht Management Companies can guarantee that the safety, staffing and registration process is initiated promptly and legally to get the boat out for the owners enjoyment sooner than later.
    In regard to new builds or refits, having a management company to get involved a year before delivery is smart. This helps to ensure the details of all system re-workings are ironed out smooth and are in-line with safety regulations. When executed properly project development to program management is stream lined with maximum efficiency and trusting relationship properly secured.
    By: Josh Cunningham-Owner-Freedom Yacht Management

    German Beer and the Evolution of Ships=Deutsches Museum

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    If you ever have a chance, 10 euros and an inkling of interest in boats, aeroplanes and electricity I highly recommend the Deutsch Museum of technology in Munich Germany. You might want to take your shoes off before you enter this mecca of science and discovery just to honor the men who gave their life to developing it and a tip for the museum curator who layed out such a wonderful display.
    The museum, clean, organized and extremely accurate exhibits the most far reaching developments in science and of man given to this earth. It would take 3 days to go through and read everything but many real life replicas and models are there before you to guide the way. Kicking off with ships starting in the Norse time 790 AD and evolving into the modern day super tanker. All the hard lessons learned in between this sweeping span of 2000 years is on hand for your discovery in just 100 yard of walking distance, ship composition, construction, steering and design, sail and propultion techniques (cool model sailboats to play with) and on board safety and survival developments. Many American discoveries and technologies are on display too.
    Having seen the fury of the sea myself and remembering it being framed so eloquently by Sir Francis Drake “Fear by day, Terror by night”. I could only stand back, take a sip of my warm Starbucks red eye and gawk at the small crafts developed by the Polynesians and Arawak Indians and imagine paddling off for an island or body of water 100’s to 1000’s of miles away with such minimal protection and security, or the Norse setting sail for modern day Maine in a bit more than a wooden skiff and fabric sails, salted meats but I guess in those days giants did walk the earth.-Josh Cunningham (owner) FreedomYachtManagement.com